
Site-specific, festival, and gallery presentations.

Stone Song (Fieldwork)

A wooden boat in a stone sea emits a mysterious drone. Collaborative and interactive sound piece at Fieldwork Collective’s land art gallery near Maberly, Ontario, off Highway 7.

Fieldwork Land Art Festival

Old Brooke Road off HWY 7, 20 mins outside of Perth, ON

2017 & 2018


  • Programmed by Fieldwork Collective
  • Sponsored by Tackaberry Sand & Stone
  • Materials: 20 tons of stone, 100 ft of trenched conduit, speaker and sensor wire, solar panel, electronics, 4 RPi2s, 4 pressure sensors, 3 weather sensors, Pure Data, 6 underground speakers, 3 amps, Gloucester Light Dory
  • Installation time: 10 days
  • Duration: 7 months, May-November during 2017 and 2018
  • Thank you: Rob Cruickshank (electronics fabrication), Matt Nish-Lapidus (soundscape realization), cristin eby (solar power), Dan Tapper (soundscape realization on site), RenĂ©e Nadeau and Benoit Schreyer-Lefebvre (stone work realization)

Cloud Alley

Festival installation at Artscape Gibraltar Point on Toronto Islands of LED sound responsive purple clouds, active through the festival. Calling on the purple rain. RIP Prince.

Camp Wavelength Festival

Gibraltar Point Arts Centre, Toronto Islands



  • Reclaimed LEDs, 2 sound responsive LED controllers, clear PVC tubing, tulle, mesh, zip ties, handmade 12 volt power supplies
  • Installation time: 1 day
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Links: Wavelength Music & Arts
  • Thank you: Kiisti Matsuo, Jessica Thompson

Stone | Drone

Seven handmade square wave oscillators hidden in stone cairns change tone when you sit or climb and add your body weight to the installation equation. A playable field of drones. Collaborative circuit bending in a farm field.


This installation used stone, wood and sand to create a hand drawn circuit board on the Funny Farm property.  Wooden boards connected stone nodes creating benches. Sand lines traced longer curves of the circuit design connecting all the ‘components.’

7 stone chamber cairns representing ‘solder points’ in the circuit contained pressure sensors and hand-make square-wave oscillators hooked up to Radio Shack mini-amplifiers. The weight of the stone and wood caused the circuit to emit a continuous drone that the artist tuned to a different level of Irritainment every few hours. Drones varied during audience interaction when people climbed onto the stone cairns or sat on the benches. 

Stone | Drone generates visual analogies between two skilled technical crafts: electronics fabrication and drystone walling.

It draws attention to the hand-crafted origins of circuit board design.

It creates functional connections between stone cairns as geographical markers and storage spaces, and project boxes as conjunction points and places to conceal the innards of electronic art projects, a specific kind of geocaching.

As one kid said to another while playing in the installation: “There’s wires in there!”

Electric Eclectics Festival

The Funny Farm, Meaford, ON



  • In collaboration with Ranjit Bhatnagar at a distance from Brooklyn, NY
  • 2 tons of stone, planks, sand, 7 handmade square wave oscillators, Radio Shack mini speakers, project boxes, batteries
  • Installation time: 4 days
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Documentation: Flickr Album; a very old blog post on Everything Modern All the Time.
  • Thank yous: Thanks to Gordon Monahan and Laura Kikauka for their generous hospitality and help.  Thanks to Beki Duncan and Sandra Haar for help with transportation and installation, and Jim for help with documentation.

Procedures in a Time of Plague

How to conduct the Liturgy during SARS and H1N1? Bot-like intermediaries help you perform “The Passing of the Peace” by high-fiving instead of shaking hands. Peace be with you. And also with you. Nuit Blanche, Trinity College Chapel, University of Toronto.

Invited collaboration led by Rev. Maggie Helwig.

Nuit Blanche (unofficial)

Trinity College Chapel, University of Toronto



  • Invited collaboration with Lead Artist Rev. Maggie Helwig
  • Funded by the Ontario Arts Council
  • 12 Paxbots: remote control cars and controllers, coffee cans, metal spring door stoppers, wood, rubber gloves, cotton batting, outfits, charging stations, wireless camera, livestream connection
  • Installation: 2 days
  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Documentation: Procedures in a Time of Plague on VIMEO

Public Displays of Affection

How do you show your love in a city like Toronto? Bot-like intermediaries display your affection for you and respond to your kiss sounds by leaving a kiss print on paper during Cabbagetown’s community-curated Nuit Blanche, Riverdale Farm Park, Toronto. Remounted at Electric Eclectics Festival, Funny Farm, Meaford.

Thank you Christine Atkinson. Without your belief in this project, I would not have started making art again.

Nuit Blanche

Riverdale Farm Park, Cabbagetown, Toronto



  • Sponsor: Moog Audio, Alberta Printed Circuits (APC)
  • 50 Kissbots: 72 components per bot, wood, pipe cleaners, spring, foam lips, printed circuit board, solenoid, condensor mic, components, battery
  • Setup: 4 tables, lamps, paper, lipstick, rope, garden trellis gates, twinkle lights, soundscape, speakers
  • Installation: 1 day
  • Duration: 12 hours

Electric Eclectics Festival

The Funny Farm, Meaford, ON



  • 20 Kissbots: Wood, pipe cleaners, springs, foam lips, printed circuit board, solenoid, condensor mic, components, battery
  • Setup: Tent, fake grass, table, lamp, lipstick
  • Installation: 1 day
  • Duration: 3 days